Of course they are required to be technically proficient , ensure that tasks are understood, planned and executed timely in a fast-pacing and constantly changing environment. They should lead by example , while being passionate about their own and company mission and inspire people with their words and actions. As a member of the Executive Board, how do you support your leadership team to embody such an articulated and multifaceted role?
Does your leadership team have the resources to thrive? The ego has an unlimited ability for self-deception. Without accountability, no growth can occur. We need vigilance and self-discipline to manage our mental and emotional state.
A strong personal will is one of the two qualities Jim Collins identified in outperforming leaders. As our emotional intelligence grows, we become conscious of the tensions, oppositions, and ambiguity within us. Observing these tensions breeds humility.
Humility is the other quality Collins highlights in his Level 5 leadership. It takes courage to face our shadow and become conscious of our shortcomings and limitations. Self-compassion is a necessary ingredient for long-term, healthy development. Most of us approach change with self-criticism, which ensures we never change. When we have compassion for ourselves, we can learn about ourselves with understanding, kindness, and self-acceptance.
In between aggressiveness and passivity is assertiveness. Unconsciously, we often behave either as bullies aggressive or weaklings passive. Neither of these behavioral patterns supports self-leadership. Acknowledging our resistance to growth is difficult. In the face of our resistance to change, we need the willingness to sit with discomfort, to adapt to feedback internal and external , and to let go of wanting control.
This transition requires us to trust our Inner Guide and have faith it will direction us in a supportive way. Our values are like signposts that guide our behaviors, actions, and decisions. Knowing our values is part of building awareness and understanding our motivations.
Great leaders hold a vision that guides their team toward a compelling future. What does your future self look like? Over time, we discover these strengths and weaknesses through self-awareness and honest reflection.
But external assessments can be helpful too. Eric Thompson is the founder of Subtle Energy Sciences. Using quantum resonance technology, Eric engineered a method of encoding digital images and sound files with specific energy signatures.
The result is what he calls Digital Mandalas or Quantum Energy Apps, which combines beautiful digital art with layers of various energy-related sound technology. The brainwave pattern featured in Awaken the Mind is a rare brainwave pattern first identified by British researcher C. Maxwell Cade. Cade found that this pattern represents the integration of meditative states of consciousness with the normal, waking state in a unified state of mind.
Get the details here. Since self-awareness is the foundation for self-leadership, focusing on developing this quality is essential. The first thing we need to do to build self-awareness is slow down. Our autonomic nervous system is out of balance. We have too much adrenaline coursing through our veins. How does Google train the brightest people in the world to be better leaders?
Google even started a separate business called Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute to train other organizations on how to develop nonjudgmental awareness in executives. Many practices can help us increase our awareness.
The first key is to bring our awareness into our bodies. The more connected we are to our body, the more self-awareness we can develop. I actually did the Myers Briggs [assessment] before and kind of knew who I was.
It also helped in understanding the different personalities of the people that you interact with and having those discussions and those real life scenarios, where you could kind of get deeper into who you are and how to better deal with things like change and conflict and just being able to communicate. It was a good learning opportunity for me. And, it provided me with additional confidence that I belong to something that's bigger than myself.
Now I can approach my role with more confidence, knowing more about the university expected culture and, of course, having knowledge that I apply every day. Leading Self. Enrollment Form. Organization Development Newsletter Preview.